What the man needs

Only one thing is needed. (Luke 10, 42)

We seek – sometimes for a long time – something to attach our heart on it.

The poor heart knocks at a door or another seeking refuge but here is torn there is soiled with the sin or taken in derision and after all these it remains deserted and embittered and see that all of a sudden it hears: Only one thing is needed.

Then the divine Knower of the hearts appears to him, Who knowing entirely his searches and his struggles and his hopes tells him so categorically that he needs only one thing: his tie with God Who created him for Himself.

He must receive the Saviour, Who came on earth to search him so that he would not be an orphan anymore. He needs the power of the Spirit Who can transform a petrified and soiled heart in a pure heart revived by God and in it is engraved the will of God.

Who will enrich himself with this will confess that it is enough for him. God, You say: One thing is needed and I answer to You from the bottom of my soul:

Your Grace it is enough for me, I don`t need anything else!`

There is no real Christian who doesn`t praise God for the fact that it is good to live with Him – so good that you would endure anything only for not being separated of Him.

Christ said that whoever believes in Him won`t starve : the soul of that one will be fully satiated and he won`t beg from the world, from sin. Anyone can feel the truth of these words: `With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.` (Isaiah 12, 13).

Excerpt from Every day – a gift from God 366 useful words for all the days of the year, Sophia Publishing

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