The spiritual confessor who`s in our vicinity
As someone takes care to have their family physician close to them, in the same way he should…
How we come to condemnation
`Geronda, why do I often fall into condemnation?` `You do this because you are more preoccupied by the…
A sad pupil
While standing before the children from the 5th grade, on the first school day, madam M told the…
The confession of a saint starets
The confession of a saint starets, father Philotheos Zervakos – found after his death, among his notes: -I…
The history of man
Priest Ioan Istrati A child with a high social position, a spoiled child, used with the good things.…
Is religion a bridge to the others or an impassable abyss?
Priest Alexandru Lungu It`s evening. When you read the Paraklesis alone in the church at night, nothing can…
Is it good to ask about the same thoughts another father confessor?
A monk asked the starets saying : `Whom is it due to ask about thoughts and is it good…
In the middle of the spiritual winter – Pious Paisios the Athonite
`Geronda, I feel I am in the middle of a spiritual winter.` `If you want the weather to…
The coat of mercifulness
A merciful man was walking on the way and he saw a poor man who was dead and…
To love our enemies begins from not being glad for their falls
Hieromonk Savatie Baştovoi What do you feel when you hear someone from your enemies or from the people…