The prayer of the monk in the silence of the night

The monk or nun who prays in the middle of the night is like the erodium which praises its Creator. From a corner of the world, of the earthly paradise, he or she prays for the salvation of the whole world.

Without any personal interest or human reward, or self promotion or display of his own value, he or she does good to the whole mankind, embracing the world in the prayer with his or her rosary and uniting in the prayer made for the living and the reposed and for the future generations, the future with the past.

The prayer of the monk has a dynamic element: its universality. It reaches the ends of the world the skies and even the hell. This is the most spiritual and perfect way of proving love to the whole mankind which he or she serves with his or her deeds and repentance more than anyone else on earth.

Excerpt from Love taught by God– Saint Vlasie – Pilios, to be published by Evanghelismos.

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