
Priest Ioan Istrati 

A very thin and sad lady of about 50 years old came to me. She stood shyly at the queue to me. She bent her head slightly and knelt down on her knees. She said nothing. I looked carefully at her. I know what she has, but I want to hear it from her mouth.

`Father, I have a very bad depression. I can`t get out of my house, I am afraid of people and I can`t enjoy anything.

I tell her:

` Yes, it is hard, you can`t walk, you can`t see, you can`t speak, hear, think sanely. You have nothing to eat.`

`I have, father.`

`I know, but I told you to make you understand how many people are much more unhappy than you.`

I read prayers to her with the head cover of Saint John the Russian. The woman was crying.

When she stood up I told her:

`Can you smile?`

She smiles so nicely among tears.

This is the canon I give you: prayer, the akathist of the Holy Veil of the Theotokos and the akathist of Saint John the Russian daily and smile all the time.

Sing, dance, play and smile and rejoice and thank God for the gifts for every day, for every breath of air, for every drop of water and food. Say the Lord`s prayer all the time as it vanishes the dark thought.

The woman left smiling. Among tears, she left down a heavy burden, which she didn`t need at all.

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