Above the abyss

Just as carefree children are unaware of the intense struggle of life that surrounds them, many adults also remain oblivious, like children, to the fierce spiritual battle fought by Christ with His army of Angels and Saints against the forces of darkness in the world.

Only the spiritual individual can be said to have transcended the stage of childhood, regardless of their age. That is why the spiritual person, when they observe, perceives humanity much like a mother sees her naive child surrounded by grave dangers.

In the same way that a child often fails to grasp the guidance and admonishments of their parents, who diligently watch over them to keep them safe from harm, many people also find the spiritual advice and rebukes of the spiritual ones to be meaningless. This is because, for many, the visions of the spiritual individuals remain unseen and unbelievable, and they remain unaware of the invisible chasm that lies above them, where they sleep.

Excerpt from Thoughts on Good and Evil by Saint Nikolai Velimirovich, Predania Publishing House

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