Two spouses from America decided to go on vacation in Florida where is a warm and nice weather, to get rid of the snow and cold from Alaska where they lived.
They decided to stay at the same hotel where they had spent their honeymoon but as they had many duties they set to travel separately. The husband was going to arrive there on Wednesday and his wife on Thursday.
When the husband arrived at the hotel, he went to his room and saw that there he had computer and internet connection. Seeing these he decided to make a surprise to his wife and send her an email. But he made a mistake when he wrote the email address and the message arrived somewhere else, in Houston, at a woman who had just returned from the funerals of her husband and was checking the emails from friends and relatives. But when she read the first email she fainted falling down. When her son entered the room saw her on the floor. Trying to understand what had happened, he looked on the computer screen and read:
To my beloved wife
Subject: I arrived!
I know you will be surprised when getting this email from me. But they have computers and internet connection here and you can send messages anywhere you want. I have just arrived and got in.
Everything is prepared for your arrival from tomorrow. I am so eager to see you. I hope you are going to have just as a nice journey as I had.
PS Down here is very hot.
Maybe the first reaction we have when reading this story is to laugh. But there is something essential we should think about.
It is about a journey indeed. One day this is going to end and we shall arrive at our final destination. Some shall go there earlier, others shall follow them. But there is one thing that matters: where we chose to spend our eternity. When the woman read that down there it was very hot she thought about hell. And this was only a human error.
But one day there won’t be any computer error, only a decision from heaven, where we shall give an answer for the life we had lived and for the choices of our heart. ‘This very night your life will be demanded from you.’(Luke 12, 20) And the problem won’t be the heat but the oven of pain and guilt because we despised Jesus Christ, His love, His sacrifice, His call and lived only for the sake of our own pleasures and satisfactions.