Nothing could be worse than this

Priest Bogdan Chiorean

I had a patient with bone metastases. She told me she imagined that nothing could be worse than this.

A few days after that cause of the sickness of the bones she heard a crack without doing anything. She had just broken her arm. She complained for a while but she had in mind the same idea: nothing can be worse than this.

With only a free hand and the other one in plaster she leaned harder on the bed wanting to get up and she broke her second hand as well.

With both her hands immobilized and plastered and without any power to get up from her bed but with the desire to be useful she assisted in a long period of time of hospitalization at the repose of three mates from her ward, one by one.

On a Sunday she told me : `You know that since I have been having more time and I haven`t done anything else as I am not able to I say one prayer more and things don`t seem as bad as before. I only think that God took to Him those nice ladies who had been with me in the same ward (the one from yesterday is already the third) and I stay here to inconvenience the others… Probably He realized it too that I haven`t understood anything at all yet from life.

No it wasn`t a weak desire to get rid of that life through death only the discovery of the fact that the evil is not the one we imagine.

How many times in life haven`t you had a terrible unbearable and seemingly unlovable situation and after a time you thanked God for it?

In this world God blurs all the mirrors when we face trouble. That is why we feel that everything is only darkness and fog, to feel much more from His clarifying  Love in the afterworld, where it is clear and serene.  

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