No, absolutely nothing of the kind. I think that some people used it in various discussions with theologians, especially in the Western world, where the use of the Scripture was forbidden for common people for some time, so that it would not be misinterpreted and would not become a reason for heresies and then it probably appeared this strange phrase, that was attributed in an ignorant and harmful way to the Holy Scripture.
God did not forbid knowledge, for it is a gift of the Holy Spirit, as it is noted by prophet Isaiah in the seven gifts (chapter 11, 1-3). Actually ignorance is a very serious sin and that’s the way it is indeed, because a real Christian cannot be stupid at all. In St. John’s Gospel, at chapter 17, our Savior says in His high priestly prayer: And this is eternal life, that they know You, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. To know Him means implicitly to know His creation, for through Him all things were made and without Him nothing was made from what has been made. Therefore it is not a matter of interdiction of the true knowledge, but only a prevention of the ambiguous one.
Father Galeriu – Evening dialogues