I am not interested …, but…

I don`t want to know where you work or what you do for a living. But I would like to tell me the things which hurt you and if you still dare to dream to alleviate the yearning of your heart.

I am not interested how old you are. But I would like to know if you are able to risk everything for love, for your dream, for the unique adventure of life.

I am not interested if your planets were aligned in a rare conjunction. But I would like to know if you could deepen into the core of your own weaknesses if you could remain serene in spite of betrayals or if you hid yourself in the shell of fear and threw the key away from you.

I want to know if you can accept my weakness without trying to hide it or to find a magical solution.

I want to know if I can share you my joy if you can dance without any settled choreography and leave ecstasy fill you from head to toes giving up on warning ourselves to be careful or realistic.

I am not interest to know if the story you tell me is true. But I would like to know if you could disappoint someone else to be fair with your heart, if you can bear the accusation of betrayal without betraying your own soul.

I want to know if you wished to see beauty with my eyes even in the days when the sun forgets to rise and life seems a bad joke.

I want to know if you can bear your and my failure remaining on the shore of the lake and praying with the words the light of the moon writes on the surface of the water like in a Breviary.

I am not interested to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you are able to wake up after a night of despair and cry, tired and aged to the marrow of your bones and do everything you can to feed your children.

I am not interested whom you know or to what lineage you belong. I want to know if you pass with me through fire and water without looking back.

I am not interested to know what schools you graduated. But I want to know where do you get your power from to go on when all the doors are shut in your face.

I would also like to know my friend if you can be alone with yourself and bend your head to your chest and listen to God whispering to you in the rhythm of your heartbeats how much He loves you… loves you…

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