Grannie, what`s this darkness?

Priest Ioan Istrati

At the beginning of the night I went to confess and commune an old woman of about 90 years old. She was waiting for me on the bedside. She had some nice woolen socks. The window was open, the air fresh, there was a little glass of wine and a candle lit. She had an inexpressible joy in her eyes. She kissed my hand respectfully. I blessed her.

After she received God in her being, the shy old woman said:

`Father, I made some roll pies, please help yourself…` `They were hot and delicious.`

I asked her :

`Grannie, you`ve passed through many things, what`s this darkness which covered the earth ?`

`Father, I lived during war, my father died in the trenches at Don I saw the Russians raping all the women from the village and I saw the Stalinists of president Dej who sent half of the country in prison and I saw the golden age and the robbing age we live today.

There is an end for everything. All regimes will be turned to dust.

The only things I have always had and saved us were faith in God, the tears of the mother at prayer and the Holy Communion with Jesus Christ.

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