And to your spirit

Another time this divine man, Saint Spyridon entered the Church for Vespers and it happened that not many people were there, only the church servants. Then he ordered to be lit many torches and vigil lamps and he stood alone before the altar rejoicing in his spirit.

When he said as usual `Peace to all` not being there any people to give the usual answer at the words said by the bishop from the heights it was heard immediately the answer: `And to your spirit`. That voice was so sweet and pleasant that it overcame any human chanting.

The deacon who said the litanies got scared as he heard at every verse a divine chant coming from above and saying `God have mercy`. That chanting was also heard by those who were far from the church and they rushed to the doors of the church to listen to that sweet and wonderful voice. The closer they got to the doors of the church the more their ears and hearts were delighted by that strange chanting. But when they entered the church, they marveled, because they saw only the archbishop and a few church servants. Then that chant was not heard anymore and they all marveled a lot because of that.

Excerpt from The good shepherd – The life and miracles of Saint Spyridon, the bishop of Tremetousia, the miracle maker – Archimandrite Antonios Pakalidis, Evanghelismos Publishing.

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