The placement of the Belt of the most Holy Theotokos in the reliquary

The precious Belt of the Most Holy Mother of God, transported to Constantinople in a small golden casket sealed with the imperial seal, was placed within the Church build by the righteous Emperor Theodosius the Younger in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos, at a place called Halcopratia, meaning ‘the market of copper.’ After many years, during the reign of Emperor Leon, his wife Zoe was troubled by an unclean spirit. Therefore, the emperor and his relatives were grieved, and they offered many prayers to God for the empress who was suffering.

Upon receiving a divine vision, the empress was informed that wearing the Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos would bring about her healing. Eager to fulfill this revelation, she confided in her husband, Emperor Leon, who promptly summoned the patriarch and had the seal of the casket unlocked. As the casket was opened, the revered Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos was revealed, preserved immaculately throughout the ages. With great reverence, the emperor kissed the Belt, and when the patriarch placed it upon the empress, she was instantaneously liberated from the torment inflicted by the devil, experiencing a complete recovery from her illness.

In response, a chorus of joyful praises resounded, exalting Christ God and the Most Pure Mother, accompanied by songs of gratitude. The venerated Belt was carefully enshrined in its golden reliquary, bearing the seal of the empire. A grand celebration was instituted to honor the Most Holy Virgin Mother of God, serving as a lasting tribute to the miraculous event that unfolded with her sacred Belt. This extraordinary gift, an expression of boundless mercy and love for humanity, was bestowed by our Lord Jesus Christ, who was born of her.

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