Take great care when you seek your justice

Priest Bogdan Chiorean

Sometimes for such quests the husbands meet in courts.

Other times from the same reasons the neighbours confound the judge with the topographer when they want to delimitate space.

Then you hear in prayers that `  all our righteous acts are before You like filthy rags` and you nod your head approvingly thinking that it doesn`t refer at you, where things are clear, and it refers at the other one who wronged you.

In the evening you say ` Do not bring your servant into judgment, for no one living is righteous before you`. But tomorrow you have to appear in court before magistrates in the file `The fence`

I wonder why did Christ say ` blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness` and in the same time ` blessed are the peacemakers`?

I think He could not bless those who are permanently seeking their justice because most of the times our justice is in fact our will and the place of those who made their own will is hell.

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