Prayer at daybreak of Pious Sophrony from Essex

Eternal God and Creator of everything, Who in Your abstruse Kindness called me to this life, Who poured over me the Grace of Baptism and the seal of the Holy Spirit, who engrained in me the desire to look for You, the Only True God, listen to my prayer. I have no other life, or light or joy or wisdom or strength but in You, God. Because of my sins I don`t dare to raise my eyes to You. But You said to Your disciples:

`Everything you ask in prayer faithfully, you shall receive.` and `Anything you ask in My Name I will do for you.`

That is why I dare to call You:

`Guard me untouched by any blemish of the body or soul. Teach me how to pray as it is due. Bless this day You gave to your unworthy servant. With the power of Your blessing make me capable to speak and work permanently for Your glory, with pure spirit, humbleness, patience, love, gentleness, peace, courage and wisdom, being always aware of Your presence. God in Your endless kindness show me the path of Your will and give me to walk before You without sin.

You know God what I need. You know my blindness and ignorance, You know the helplessness and corruption of my soul, but not even my grief and sadness are hidden from You. For this reason I beg You, listen to my prayer and through Your Holy Spirit teach me the path to walk on and when my wretched will leads me on other paths, do not spare me, God, but force me to come back to You. By the power of Your love, make me strongly hold on what is right

Keep me away of all the word and deed which corrupts the soul, of any tendencies which are not liked by You and which hurt my fellow. Teach me what I must say and how to speak.

If it is Your will for me to keep quiet, make me stay quiet in a spirit of peace and not to sadden or hurt my fellowmen.

Put me on the path of Your commandments and until my last breath do not let me go astray from the light of Your guidance and make Your commandments be the only law of my being  on this earth forever.

God please have mercy on me. Protect me in my sadness and misfortune and do not hide the path to salvation away from me.

In my foolishness, God, I ask from You many and great things. But I always remember my malice, my wickedness and lowness. Have mercy on me! Do not take me away from Your face because of my unworthiness. Increase in me the awareness of this unworthiness and give me, who am the worst of all people, to love You as You commanded: from all my heart and soul and with all my spirit and strength – from my whole being. God through Your Holy Spirit teach me the right judgment and knowledge. Give me to know Your truth before going into tomb. Keep me alive in this world to bring You repentance as it is due. Do not take me in the middle of my days or when my mind is still blind.

When You want to put an end to my life, let me know it beforehand to be able to prepare my soul to come before You. Be with me God in that terrible hour and give me the joy of Your salvation. Purify me of all the hidden thoughts, of all the malice hidden into me and give me a good answer at the Judgment Throne. God in Your great mercy and boundless love for people listen to my prayer! Amen.

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