This great starets (n.n. Pious Irodion from Lainici) had become worthy of the gift of clairvoyance. He told to many their hidden thoughts and foretold them the future events.
Once a woman brought him as usual a pot of milk from her goat. The pious man told her:
`I don`t receive the milk, since it is not from your goat !`
`No, father, it is from my goat!`
`But didn`t you curse it yesterday to go to the devil? How to receive it, as it is not your goat anymore!`
So being discovered the woman confessed her sin and receiving a blessing from that day shed id not curse anymore.
Excerpt from The Romanian Patericon – Archimandrite Ioanichie Bălan, The publishing house of Sihăstria Monastery.