A young man wanting an elevate instruction

A young man wanting an elevate instruction went once to a monastery to ask for advice an old monk:

`Father, please, give me a book from where I can learn in the best way how a Christian must be; how he must think, what he must do; a book to explain to me all these things!

The monk told him he had a book like that in his cell and went to bring it but after a few moments he returned keeping in his hand a cross he gave to the young man. Seeing him surprised he told him:

`My son, the cross is the most elevate instruction God gave to the man. The Savior sacrificed Himself for us on the Cross, showing us what means to love, for He did this out of His love for people. The Cross means exactly the path on which the man can reach love and God. Who knows how to carry his cross, carries with him in the same time the Grace and love of God. That is why the cross is not a burden but a joy. When you give yourself to the beloved one, you don`t do it with sadness and restraint, but with joy and enthusiasm.

`So the cross means courage, patience and especially love.`

`You wanted a book to read with your eyes and with its to enlighten your mind. See the cross instead – a book you will read with your soul and with a teaching to enlighten your entire life.


„The Cross, healing spring, door of mysteries, arm of peace and joy of my soul.` (Akathist of the Holy Cross)

Excerpt from The most beautiful Christian Orthodox parables and stories– Leon Magdan,  Aramis – Romanian Patriarchy.

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