The thanking prayer of the Most Holy Theotokos for the Holy Mountain

The Holy Mountain was included in God`s plan of salvation of the peoples, fulfilled through the Incarnation of His Son.

Tradition tells us that Theotokos came to this place and this mountain became her inheritance.

The most holy Theotokos thanking for this inheritance given to her, said the following prayer:

`My Son and God bless this place you gave me as inheritance! Pour Your mercy over it and protect it unharmed until the end of time and also those who will dwell it for Your Holy Name and for mine. Forgive them their sins for the small toil and ascetic endeavours they will make and give them eternal life. Glorify this Mountain more than any other place and make it shine through all kinds of miracles. Fill it with ascetics from all peoples on earth who call Your Name and multiply their shelters from one side to another. Free them of the eternal labor and protect them of all the temptations of the visible and invisible enemies, of all heresies and strengthen their Orthodox Faith.

Praying in this way the Most Holy Theotokos heard from the skies a voice saying: `I will always fulfill everything you asked from Me, My Mother if these will follow my commandments. From now on this place will be your inheritance and your Garden and a shore of salvation for all those who want to save their souls and also a place of escape and repentance for those burdened by many sins.

Excerpt from The Holy Mountain –Evanghelismos Publishing.

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