Mother – a martyr of love

Priest Ioan Istrati

Today at the service of the Holy Unction it was a stifling heat. A mother with two little boys, who don`t care at all if you`re grumpy or give advice. One is one year old, with curly hair and the other one is around 4 years old, a little bit nasty. The children go around, they are frisky, they pull her hair, they pich her, they hit her with their legs, they sprinkle milk on her head from the baby milk bottle, they roll on the floor, slam toys, they bustle about, play.

Their mother has patience, she bends for a thousand times, wipes, take them in her arms, whispers into their ear to be nice, she makes the sign of the cross over them. No moment of rest. The sweat is falling on her temples. She is a martyr of love.

I saw in her an icon of God`s love, who is a ceaseless spring of toil and support, of permanent concern, enduring a burden of patience, a ceaseless care, a permanent embrace for some frolicsome kids with a huge energy.

God is the Eternal Father with a motherly heart.

Let us love our mothers. Nobody else will ever love us on earth infinitely. Only God.

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