I Saw the Mother of God

During the night of his last Christmas, toward down, Valeriu testified to his friend Ioan Ianolide.

“This night, I kept vigil. I was waiting for my carol to come. I wanted it to be very beautiful. I sang it in my head. I heard it in the high heavens, from where it descended. Rather difficult for my, since I don’t know musical notes and I have to sing by ear. So, I was awake, lucid and serene, when, all of the sudden, I noticed a photograph to Seta – the girl he had loved – in my hand. Amazed by this, I lifted my gaze and at the head of my bed I saw the Mother of God, clothed in white, vivid, real. She was without Her Child. Her presence seemed material to me. The Mother of God was actually besides me. I was happy. I forgot everything. Time seemed endless. Then She said to me:

“I am your love! Don’t be afraid. Don’t doubt! My Son will be victorious. He has sanctified this place now for the future life. The powers of darkness are growing and will frighten the world still more, but they will be scattered. My Son is waiting for people to return to the faith. Today, the sons of darkness are bolder than the sons of light.  Even though it may seem to you that there is no more faith left on earth, nevertheless, know that deliverance will come, albeit through fire and devastation. The world still has to suffer. Here, however, there is still much faith and I have come to encourage you. Be bold, the world belongs to Christ!”

“Then the Mother of God disappeared and I remained overwhelmed with happiness. I looked at my hand, but the photograph was no longer there.”

The Saint of the Prisons – Notes of Valeriu Gafencu collected and annotated by the monk Moise, p. 155, Agnos  House Print, Sibiu 2009

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