It seems to you that you have faith

If you have faith in receiving the everlasting treasures that endure for eternity, then it is even more important to have faith that the Lord will provide you with earthly and temporary possessions, which He also grants to the unrighteous, wild creatures, and birds.

Furthermore, He has commanded us not to be concerned about these matters, teaching us, “Do not worry about what you will eat, or what you will drink, or what you will wear, for these are the things that the worldly people seek” (Matthew 6:31-32).

If you still find yourself preoccupied with these temporal things and lack complete trust in His Word, it indicates that you have not yet fully embraced the belief in obtaining the eternal treasures of the Kingdom of Heaven. Know that it seems to you that you have faith in God’s Word, when you do not believe that you will receive small and transient things

Excerpt from The Fifty Spiritual Homilies – Saint Macarius the Egyptian.

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