As  long as children are born, there is hope!

Priest Alexandru Lungu

There is no other greater joy in the world than that of the birth of one`s own children The facts in a pregnancy can see such unexpected changes. The birth itself, either on natural way or by caesarean section implies so many risks. The mother risks her own life to give birth to another life. It is the most beautiful proof of love in the world. Christ in person says it: “ Greater love has no one than this, that a person will lay down his life for his kinsfolk. `Who can be closer than the one who grew inside you? The father surely loves his child, but he doesn`t have the opportunity to risk his life for him, before even knowing him

The mother is the only one who ascends to the peaks of the divine love as long as she like God loves before being loved by her child.

Only the mother can reach this sacrificial love Christ lived on the cross. The mother is the only being who descends to hell during birth, otherwise heaven for all the others would be impossible to inherit

As long as there are mothers, there is life! As long as children are born, there is hope!

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