How should we raise our children?

Here are three very precious pieces of advices from saints and great spiritual confessors about the way we should raise our children for being content of them when they grow up:

  • You cultivate in your children future citizens, soldiers, writers, men of letters, clerks, artists, industrialists. That’s good but do not ignore what is even better: do not neglect to make from them sons of the Church, to prepare some future citizens for heaven (Saint Philaret of Moscow)
  • Those who engrain in their children the right thinking about the greatness of God and about providence and then about virtue will become worthy of the divine rewards not only as parents but also as wonderful advisers and those who engrain in them the worshipping of many gods and passions will receive a reward as some men who sacrificed their children to the devils. (Saint Isidor Pelusiote)
  • Education must be first of all a religious one: through holy services, holy mysteries, prayer. The thing that’s always required above all is faith – and in order to engrain faith in your children it is necessary to live a Christian life yourselves. (Archpriest Valerian Krecetov)

Source: Cuvântul Ortodox


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